Secured Attachment With Food and Self with Tiffany North, RN, CIEC


Episode 111 - Secured Attachment With Food and Self with Tiffany North, RN, CIEC

by Karin Lewis, MA, LMFT, CEDS

In this episode, Karin welcomes Tiffany North, RN, CIEC, RN, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and creator of the Food Attachment Model™, to the show for the newest episode of Recovery Bites, “Secured Attachment With Food and Self

Join Karin and Tiffany for a conversation on Tiffany’s Food Attachment Model™ and the four attachment styles, steps to healing one’s relationship with food and body, the importance of mindfulness and intentional living, “ruptured attachment,” the intersection of eating disorders, substance, and alcohol abuse, setting barometers for success in recovery, and much more.

Tiffany North is an RN, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and creator of the Food Attachment Model™, helping people with disordered eating finally find freedom, balance, and satisfaction. She helps clients to stop the binge/shame/restrict cycle. Her coaching focuses on secure attachment with self, body respect, through a HAES informed lens.

Tiffany's passion is helping people stop wasting their precious energy drained by the food and body struggle so that they can use that energy to be powerful leaders in the world. With 22 years of sobriety, Tiffany feels that recovery has informed all areas of her life, especially her work as a nurse and a coach.

When she isn’t coaching, speaking, and podcasting, she enjoys spending time with friends and family, being in nature and creating more fun, adventure, and play in life. Follow Tiffany on Instagram at @coachtiffanyrn and view her offerings.